In a Locked Room Wiki

"I've been given these powers, and I'm going to use them accordingly."
— One of Burning's catchphrases.

Burning Holly, or just Burning, is a teenage female unicorn resident of Ponyville in Equestria.

In her original storyline (the "Hyperdenserverse"), she's part of the population that is left in Equestria after a catastrophy known as the Gatmayan Crusades starts taking place, eventually becoming practically the main "weapon" of Equestria as she and the equestrians little by little start discorvering the bizarre origins of her powers, while also slowly learning how to use them.

She is roleplayed by Trapezium.




Burning is a slightly shorter than average mare, but at the same time, she has a wide body structure, and is more muscular than the average female pony.

She has deep blue eyes, long and black hair with a "wavy" touch, and her coat is a reddish orange color. Also, her face is moderately wide, with big eyebrows and hereditary eye circles, and dimples appear on both of her cheeks whenever she moves them, specially when she smiles.

Her magic irradiates a bright yellow aura when it is in its normal state.


For the most part, Burning is a pony who demonstrates to have a preference for independence and introversion, but this doesn't mean at all that she has deficient social skills. What she's not used to is crowds, but on interactions one-on-one, she shows to be able to take an active role in the interaction.

One of the most representative elements of Burning's personality is probably the following: she tends to be much more emotional than expressive, and that is, the amount of emotion she feels often does not align with very evident expression of that emotion (unless the emotion is to intense); in most occasions Burning just wears a subtle frown on her face as her neutral facial expression. As time passed, she began to find some kind of balance between the ideal expression and hers, nonetheless, she still tends to show herself rigid while processing emotions. The main reason she does this is because she always tries to not make her emotions dysfunctional, and to not develop an addiction to "catharsis" in the eventuality. Or at least, as she also admits, this is only what she usually tells to herself.

In the everyday, most times Burning shows to be consistently altruistic with the majority of people. She usually displays a very dynamic and adaptable personality on this manner. But then, on the other hand, given that she's aware this altruistic manner can also end up becoming a thing of merely "showing off" as an altruist when interacting with most people, she never rushes on this, thus making this altruistic facet of her come out often with a characteristic subtlety of hers, leaving space for the other to be helped or reject the help.

But actually, Burning isn't that consistent with what she thinks of life, and surprisingly, in reality she has a view over things that's much more inclined to be pessimistic than any other possible tendencies. As philosophical as she is, Burning really never stops doubting about stuff that can be deeply analysed. Nevertheless, despite this, Burning still demonstrates a strong will to be helpful and attentive to other people that are in need via her actions. Burning actually knows very well that, a priori, she has no reason to help anybody or even sacrificing in any way for other people as an example, but at the same time, she takes into account that she doesn't need a reason to do it anyway other than the fact that she can, practically speaking.

It could be said that burning's personality is a pretty accurate depiction of a "cold mind, burning heart" character.

Powers and Abilities[]

Superstrength: after her partial recovery from a progressive and very rare genetic disease that affected all her conjunctive tissue in general, this recovery made her genetics start working in the opossite way, giving place to an hyperdevelopment on her conjunctive tissue, specially her muscles and bones, followed by her cardiovascular system.

After these events, Burning gained extraordinary physical strenght, as her muscles now are developed in a different way than the average pony; her muscle fibers are much more attached to each other, giving her muscle structure a lot more density and firmness than normal. Moreover, to compensate with such hyperdevelopment in her muscles, her bones developed a bone density around 60 times greater than the average pony's bone density. All this gives Burning the capacity to have astonishing strength without the need of massive amounts of muscle mass, though it is remarkable that she's already considerably more corpulent than the average female pony.

All of these factors combined, and her willpower as well, make her capable of generating colossal amounts of force while also granting her the capacity to use all that strength with peak explosiveness.

"Superform": There is a magic state Burning can unlock if she gets to experience severe amounts of desperation and anger under specific situations, and said magic state is the "Magic Hyper-Density", also reffered to as the "Hyperdensitas" by those who know its history. Burning's type of Hyperdensitas (Modified Hyperdensitas) is usually referred to as "Miracle" by others.

Transformation (aura)

Burning's Hyperdensitas in action

The Hyperdensitas is a power of supreme roots which Burning mysteriously inherited from her parents. It is a state that is reached when the magic potential of the user's magic changes abruptly the expression of essential physical characteristics such as coat and eye color, and at times, even aspects such as voice. Basically, the user's magic becomes dense to the point of changing their physique's expression.

In Burning's case, this state causes her hair to turn into a dark red, while her coat's pigment becomes a bit more reddish. At the same time, her irises get orange with pupils of a lighter tone of said color, and her voice becomes louder and starts generating "echo" with her own magic, making it sound more "reverberant" and distorted. Magic Hyper-Density also increases Burning's strength in an astonishing way (around 25 times), as well as her magic potential, which is boosted in around 150% (2.5 times; the more times she achieves this state, the bigger this numbers get for future occasions) regarding her maximum base power, which refers to the highest potential Burning's magic can reach before her physical features start changing their expression. Her magic aura also goes from yellow to an electric orange color.

Nonetheless, given that Burning's magic stability has to improve a lot yet, her Hyperdensitas sacrifices a high amount of stamina for these insane power boosts. It can also have severe side effects along its impressive boosts, and these side effects may be things like ocular effusions, moderate to severe burns, deadly energy loss, and ultimately, unconsciousness. In case the user hasn't mastered the transformation yet, and manages to mantain this form for too long and under an overcharged state, in the aftermath there will be a high probability of them getting temporary cataracts, due to the change of color in the pupils.

As a detail, Burning's first effective Hyperdensitas transformation lasted barely about six minutes, while in the second transformation (which happened about seven weeks later) she was able hold it for roughly eleven minutes.

Semihyperdensitas Burning

Burning's alternative incomplete version of the Hyperdensitas.

"Hyperdensitas Glimpse/Semi-Hyperdensitas": this ability is a derivative from the previous one, and it basically consists in an incomplete form of the hyperdensitas, producing only around half of the physical changes that the complete transformation generates, which results in Burning acquiring orange eyes without the bright pupils, a lightly redder coat color, as well as some dark red spots on her mane. At the same time, her magic aura begins to generate random small bursts of orange energy, which manifests as irregular orange spots on it.

Despite being an incomplete transition, this form can still be pretty functional, since it preserves a fair amount of the boosts that the complete transformation provides (magic potential boosted in around 35 - 65% of the full Hyperdensitas's original multiplier) while also being much more bearable than the full Hyperdensitas state. Nonetheless, it's worth noting that the amount of energy it drains is still a lot greater than the amount Burning uses while in her base form.

Just like the full Hyperdensitas, Burning usually needs to be under high amounts of psychological stress in order to effectively transition into this state, but given that it's a considerably lower amount of stress that is needed, there can be times where she manages to transition into it and not even notice until a few moments later.

"Pseudo-Teleport": also referred to as "Instant" (from "instant movement"). When Burning tries to use magic teleportation, what happens instead is that her vitriol power is engaged, and she moves at incredible speeds for a split second (over 5 times the speed of sound in air), which makes her movements become untrackable by ordinary eyesight momentarily.

The "Instant" is considered a form of "protospell". Others describe it as a very primitive form of "speed" spell.

"Energy Blast": though Burning still lacks a lot of control over her vitriol power when using it directly, when she manages to effectively charge an attack, she can fire incredibly large and powerful energy bursts that very often leave her opponents in significant trouble. This ability of her becomes exponentially more powerful and destructive when she manages to use it while in the Hyperdensitas or Semi-Hyperdensitas state, nonetheless, her stamina gets even more compromised this way, for she can barely control that combination enough.

See the contrast

Burning Holly's "Hyperdenser grin" as the main sign of the "ORIGINAL SELF".

"Peripheral Blow/Hoof Cannon": consists in the capacity to redirect the energy of the horn and fire energy blasts from other parts of the body. Adds more versatility to the use of vitriol in combat, and can be useful to surprise the opponent. This is one of Burning's most advanced capabilities, yet she's rarely able to use it effectively as she's still inexperienced with it.

"ORIGINAL SELF": also called "Anger pattern", it's a power more exclusive to Burning, similar to her human counterpart's Temperament power. Consists in a mental state of euphoric anger that enhances her physical condition in every way, specially her fatigue tolerance. It acts like a "rage" trance, and it is usually coupled with the use of the Modified Hyperdensitas. Its activation is usually signified by a terrifying, unconscious evil grin Burning wears when transitioning to her hyperdensitic form. Although it follows a mostly unconscious mechanism of activation, Burning can learn to control it the more she uses her hyperdensitas.

Using this trance-like mental state too much can heavily undermine the user's mental health in the long run if they do not control it appropriately, causing things like personality disorders or chronic auditory hallucinations.

Later on in Burning Holly's story (Hyperdenser), this power is also refferred to as the ORIGINAL SELF, and it is also revealed that the reason behind her euphoric anger and visceral urge to smile is related to being able to use her hyperdensitic power "again after so long", implying that she somehow was already alive before being born as a pony.


  • Basic combat skills: though Burning is far from being an expert in combat, she knows how to fight at least to an extent that allows her to take extra advantage of her physical capabilities, while also complementing this with fundamental knowledge on how to attack and defend more properly. To some extent, this is due to some months of extracurricular martial arts training Burning had in 9th and 10th grade.
  • Fast improviser with capable mind: thanks to her enhanced logical and analytical skills, Burning can apply them to other aspects such as combat to make up for her lack of experience and practice, usually coming up with unpredictable moves rather quickly whenever she notices her usual moves are not working. This also becomes noticeable in her capacity to infer what other people are expecting her to do in order to take the upper hand with little amount of hints.

It is also remarkable that her enhanced intellectual skills help her understand much better how combat works, which she can use to exploit what she already knows about it even more.

Other representative quotes[]

"I don't really like talking about myself, but ironically, with that I'm already talking about myself, so... heh... there really is no escape."
— Burning subtly making fun of her own introverted tendencies

"Be careful, 'cause what you say is not what you mean, what you mean is not what you think, and what you think... is not what you feel"
— Burning arguing about the incapability of projecting oneself objectively.

"A world without magic... wouldn't all of this be simpler without that mysterious force? I'll put an end to it... to all these convenient magical forces which have been forced upon all forms of life by some vicious forgotten deities to fit an arbitrary final result. I'll put an end to everything it has corrupted and its creators. Chance nature of existance will prevail. And what better tool than their own creation? Eventually they will run out of power anyway."
— Adult Burning Holly stating her ultimate intentions.

"I'm so tired of living by wishy-washy relativisms. Evil DOES exist. And I'm tired of pretending it doesn't!"
— Burning Holly on the existance of Good v/s Evil.

"Save up your words. I made up my mind years ago..."
— Adult Burning Holly referring to her plan to erase magic from the universe.

"I will... erase everything... make all of it vanish."
— Adult Burning expressing her impending desire to remove all magic from the universe.

"You're a Goddess, remember? Gods don't change. Mortals do!"
— Adult Burning to Pseudethos.

"Why do I only get to have such a limited sense of identity? Why do I get to be nothing more than just a pony stuck in her old ways, repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Why can't I also be the pony who can take accountability for her past actions and learn from them to change?"
— Adult Burning Holly in a moment of distress, remembering all the bad stuff she's done in the past.

"Everybody has a little bit of vitriol in them, but I have a lot of it... quite literally"
— Burning describing her powers with some wordplay.



  • Burning's "Cutie Mark" basically represents her Anger Patern power (Hyperdenser's Euphoria).
  • Burning's full name is "Burning Sentiment Holly Mcwhitened".
  • Though she was already very close to both of her parents, Burning was always especially close to her father.
  • Burning has quite a nerdy side to her that sometimes bubbles up to the surface of her character.
  • Despite being a unicorn, Burning is more used to just using her hooves instead of her magic to manipulate objects in her surroundings.
  • The change of color in Burning's pupils while being in the hyperdensitas state prevents her from being blinded by sudden emitions of intense light.
  • As a filly and pre-teen, Burning's unconscious power of the Hyperdensitas would often manifest as occasional episodes of voluntary hysterical strength, or random shivers through all her body with no apparent explanation.
  • Burning probably has a lot of trouble when trying to swim, given that her bone density is so much higher than the average pony's, which makes her sink into the water far more easily.
  • Burning Holly is the pony counterpart of a human in the original "Hyperdenserverse" whose name is Deborah Dickson, and both of them have very similar personalities and powers with a few key differences.
  • Some days her cutie mark will randomly disappear from her flank with no apparent explanation throghout the day, and then be back the next morning. This is due to the bit of antimagic she possesses.
  • Burning, like the rest of her family, speaks with a scottish accent. This is because in the old town she comes from most ponies had a scottish accent.
  • Burning's kind of magic energy actually consists in a volatile form of antimagic, while only a small portion of it is actual pony magic that exists in equilibrium with her predominant antimagic side thanks to another, more primitive form of energy she posseses: Enabling Energy, also known as Fundament. This last type of energy "glues" it all together and makes it possible for Burning's antimagic and magic powers to coexist in equilibrium.
  • In terms of proportions, Burning's powers would be about 50% Fundament, 40% antimagic and 10% pony magic. But, with Anger Pattern in use, these proportions change to 85% enabling energy, 10% antimagic and 5% pony magic.
  • Burning's combination of Fundament and antimagic is called "VITRIOL", and together with "MANA" (magic's main component) they are opposites of the same coin.

